Course: PFAS: Forever Chemicals and Our Health (OSH-PFAS)

PFAS are a large group of industrial chemicals, common in our air, water, food, blood, and even in our brains. They're mostly unregulated. Scientists say they may cause cancer, endocrine disruption, and many other health issues. This course will discuss the risks, benefits, and challenges of PFAS. How did the chemicals become a problem? What can we can do to reduce our exposure, improve our own health, and the environment? This link provides a good short synopsis of the problem.

 Session: OSH225.PFAS (SOLD OUT! Waitlist available)

Schedule: Fridays; Mar 7 and 14
Times: 10:00am - 12:00pm


Name Additional Resources
Patricia Ryther

Facility Detail

TBD - UR Campus
490 Westhampton Way
Richmond, VA 23173