Course Detail: HI6125 - Basement Water Penetration (3 CE Hours)

Topics included in this session are: water sources and likely penetration weak spots, inspection techniques, reporting phrases, and discussion of remedial repair ideas and potential long term solutions. Discussion will be supplemented with actual inspection photos.3 Hours

 Session Information: 24F-HI6125-01V

Schedule: Mon, Dec 2, 2024. 630p-930p. Online Via ZOOM
Times: 06:30pm-09:30pm EST
Tuition : $90.00


This course will be offered via ZOOM. If the link does not appear on your email confirmation it will be sent to you prior to the begin date.


Name Additional Resources
Alain Attias

Facility Detail

Online-via ZOOM
1000 Hempstead Ave
Rockville Centre, NY 11570