Course Detail: AD2015 - Individual Counseling

This course will cover the essentials of Substance Use Disorder counseling with individuals,including the theory and practice of clinical management of the individual recovery process, the application of diagnostic criteria and the importance of vocational readiness.20 HrsPrerequisite: AD 2010: Foundational Counseling Skills Individual and Group

Course Pre-requisites
(required) Counseling Skills

 Session Information: 25S-AD2015-02V

Schedule: 4 Sun's, Jan12-Feb 2. 9:00am to 2:00pm Online Via ZOOM.
Times: 06:00pm-09:30pm EDT
Tuition : $340.00


This course will be offered via ZOOM. If the link does not appear on your email confirmation, it will be sent to you prior to the begin date.


Name Additional Resources
Valerie Farrell

Facility Detail

Online-via ZOOM
1000 Hempstead Ave
Rockville Centre, NY 11570