Course Detail: AVS-1000F - Private Pilot Ground School - Fixed Wing [AVS 1000F]
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's (ERAU) Private Pilot Ground School examines the basics of aerodynamics, aircraft performance, Visual Flight Rules (VFR) cross-country navigation techniques, weather reports and forecasts, Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), elements of resource management, and safe flying practices. This course should be taken in conjunction with hands-on flight training and will prepare students for the FAA written Private Pilot exam.
This course awards 7.5 CEUs upon completion.
The Office of Professional Education at Embry-Riddle Worldwide also offers Commercial Pilot, and sUAS ground schools.
Who Should Attend
Students who want to sit for the written Private Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge Examination
Course Objectives
After completing this course, students should be able to demonstrate a comprehensive and broad-based understanding of aviation, and be able to:
- Locate, interpret, and explain the Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual and other aviation publications as they apply to private pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations in VFR conditions.
- Define the different categories and types of aircraft, and explain different pilot ratings and certificates and the privileges and responsibilities of a pilot in command.
- Explain basic aerodynamic principles and how they affect an airplane's performance, and define Bernoulli's Principle, the main parts of an airplane, basic wing design, and the four forces acting on an airplane.
- Be able to read a sectional chart; perform cross-country flight planning to include plotting courses, calculating magnetic headings, taking winds aloft into account, and figuring ground speeds, time en route and fuel burns; explain and use an E6B to plot cross-country flights.
- Explain the principles of flight as applied to light, general aviation aircraft to include stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery techniques.
- Describe the proper operation of aircraft systems and instruments associated with single-engine, non-complex aircraft.
- Define different types of powerplants and their associated gauges, controls, and operational limitations.
- Explain how to use radar, flight service station (FSS) and air traffic control (ATC) services, basic radio communication procedures, and interpreting the National Airspace System as depicted on sectional charts.
- Define the dangers and the techniques used to avoid mid-air collisions.
- Define the different types of airspace and the requirements they impose on VFR operations.
- Calculate and describe aircraft performance and weight and balance factors, using charts, graphs, and other data representative of single-engine, non-complex aircraft; determining the effects of density altitude on takeoff and climb performance.
- Describe and explain airport operations, including marking and lighting, radio communications, and the correct applications of FARs.
- Define and list relevant meteorological conditions and their impact on VFR flying.
- Procure aviation weather reports and forecasts from various government and commercial sources, both on the ground and in-flight; apply weather theory for correct interpretation and use in VFR flight planning; recognize critical weather situations, including wind shear avoidance.
- Properly describe radio navigation equipment and systems, including VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range (VOR), Automatic Direction Finding (ADF), and GPS; interpret all information depicted on sectional charts for VFR navigation using pilotage and dead reckoning; explain safe and efficient operation of aircraft, including collision avoidance, and recognition and avoidance of wake turbulence.
- Explain and apply basic aviation physiology to aviation safety as it relates to single-pilot, single-engine, VFR flying.
- Demonstrate proper preflight action to plan VFR cross-country flights of various lengths in various locations; properly apply FARs and correctly interpret weather reports and forecasts; obtain information on runway lengths at airports of intended use and data on takeoff and landing distances, and fuel requirements; use appropriate aircraft performance data, radio navigation aids and ATC services, and describe the decision-making process necessary to ensure safe outcome of the planned flights, including how to plan for alternatives if the planned flight cannot be completed or delays are encountered.
- Describe how good aeronautical decision-making and judgment utilize all available resources in a safe and effective manner to minimize hazards; recognize traps and mitigate pilot errors.
Course Information
This is an online asynchronous instructor-facilitated course with weekly modules and assignments, but no scheduled meeting times. Students should plan to spend approximately 10-15 hours per week working through the course. Coursework is web-based with no additional software required, although a reliable internet connection is recommended. All courses open 48 business hours in advance of each start date, and must be completed by their scheduled end dates. Digital certificates are available upon successful completion of individual courses. Printed certificates are mailed only upon completion of a full certificate program.
The following required materials may be purchased at your preferred retailer:
- Jeppesen Private Pilot Test Guide
ISBN: 9780884875390
- Jeppesen Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot
ISBN: 9780884874292
- Cessna 172S NAVIII 2004 & ON Pilots Information Manual
Part#: 172SIMAUS
- Navigation Plotter
- E6B Flight Computer
- FAA Sectional Charts:
Year: Current Year
Locations: Denver, CO. & Jacksonville FL.