Course Detail: ADAI - Advanced Aircraft Accident Investigation

This course is designed to introduce the participant to advanced accident investigation procedures involving design, materials, and aircraft performance. It is a follow-on course for the aircraft accident investigation course or for an individual who has experience in accident investigation.
Participants will analyze various mechanical and structural factors and loads on an airplane, and will be introduced to investigating composite materials, advanced fire investigation and avionics. Participants will also discuss aircraft crashworthiness and CFR emergency response procedures.
Extensive use will be made of crash laboratory simulated accident scenario exercises and case examples will help participants identify, collect, and analyze data in the process of determining probable causes.
Cancellation Policy
A cancellation charge of $100 will be assessed on any standard cancellations. A late cancellation charge of 25% of the course registration fee will be assessed on cancellations occurring within 14 days of the start of the course.