Course Detail: SUAS-4000RPICERT-PSD - Fee Only - AUVSI Trusted Operator Program™ (TOP) Remote Pilot Instructor Certification - PSD


Service Fee

This is only for payment of the TOP Remote Pilot Instructor certification fee and not the sUAS Fundamentals of Instruction training course.

The Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Fee associated with the Trusted Operator Program? (TOP) Remote Pilot Instructor certification. This fee should only be paid for students who have not taken or do not plan to take the SUAS-4000 series courses. Related academic courses are UNSY 435 and UNSY 520. Contact the ERAU Worldwide Office of Professional Education if you need additional information.

*Trusted Operator Program is the trademark of AUVSI

Price: $60.00 USD

 Session Information: W1123-SUAS4000RPI-PSD-V1

Schedule: Every day, starting on the first of the month and ending 28 days later as a rolling selected enrollment course. This session covers period of 11/01/23-12/31/25
Times: 12:00am-11:59pm EDT
RPI Cert Fee - Public Safety Discount : $60.00

Facility Detail

Online Course
ERAU Worldwide Campus
Online, FL 00000
(386) 481-9070