Introduction to Furniture Design

Survey the basics of furniture design. Learn through making and testing. Gain a basic understanding of furniture formulation and construction. You will work on full-size models and prototypes, create ideation sketches and line drawings of your designs, study human scale, proportion and composition.

An intensive study of the furniture design process, you'll examine functionality, form and structure in furniture. Commencing with several warm-up projects, based on folding & manipulating paper, then moving to a larger individual project (designing, developing, and building a full-size load-bearing carboard seat), you'll ramp up your skillset! While developing individual projects, you'll engage in the major stages of the design process, including: research and ideation; sketching/hand-drawing; development and testing; refining and detailing; prototyping and presentation.

 Session Information

Schedule: Every week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, starting on 07/01/24 and ending on 07/26/24
Only 30 days left to register!
Times: 12:00pm-03:00pm EDT
Tuition plus Convenience Fee : $1495.00


Name Additional Resources
Michael Sarno


Classes held in Eastern Standard Time
New York, NY 10011