Course Detail: PER658 - Ceramics: Wood-Fired Pottery

This class will focus on making various pottery forms intended to be fired in the wood kiln. Participants will learn how to glaze and prepare pottery for wood firings, as well as learn how to load and fire the kiln. The course will consist of demonstrations and open studio work time for participants.

What is wood firing?

Pottery fired in a kiln completely fueled by wood. The ash from the wood builds up on the pots during the firing, melts, and creates a unique glazed/flashed surface.

* Students will need to supply the following: 1-gallon bucket, towel, apron, and plastic bags. Students are also required to supply a pottery tool kit. Kits can be purchased from either of these suppliers:

United Art and Education - Kemper Pottery Tool Kit

Amazon- Kemper Pottery Tool Kit

Available Sessions - Click on date(s) below.